Julia Baum
PRLC 1810: Leadership Foundations & Applications
PRLC 1810 introduces students to the fundamentals of ethical leadership and critical thinking through extensive group work, presentations, and persuasive writing assignments.
Pre-Course Reflection
Prior to starting this course, I'm really excited to learn more about how to become a better leader. I'm expecting to learn more about how leaders determine how they want to lead and what motivations they have to become better leaders. There are obviously many different ways of leading especially in this modern age. Leaders must be good communicators both in person and through the various forms of technology we see today. Through this semester's class, I expect to get a better idea of leadership models and how they work in different settings, as well as how to become a better leader myself. I think we will further ideas that we were introduced to during the orientation, such as how asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but instead a sign of strength. Not only will we be taught how to grow as leaders, but I think we will focus a lot on how to become better people who hold morals and responsibility at the center of their work, as well as how to surround ourselves with people who believe in that as well.
Post-Course Reflection
Throughout this course, I learned the different models of leadership, how they are applied, and real-world situations in which we see them. We were walked through the different areas in which valuable leaders are crucial to our society, whether that be new technology or our government. We discussed moral dilemmas and modern issues that ought to be tackled in our society today. Not only were we introduced to a myriad of different models, but we were encouraged to be thoughtful about which ones we may reflect, as they all have benefits and negative consequences. A leader may act more straightforward and make sure everything gets done efficiently, but may not build important relationships with the people around them. A leader may focus a lot on making sure everyone feels inspired and comfortable, but may not complete work as well. This just goes to show that everything must be prioritized and balanced within a leadership model. Personally, I learned more about how different civic servants lead and how they may or may not reflect certain ethical motivations. This solidified my desire to be a leader who keeps ethics, truth, and responsibility at the forefront of all my decisions.
Writing Sample
This is an Op-Ed I wrote during our unit on artificial intelligence. Combining my interest in politics, I decided to research how AI bots are running for office in several countries. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the ethical, legal, and practical implications of this practice, whether or not the AI bots win elections. You can read it below.